Advantage Programme

Collaborating with Palace for Life Foundation we are kicking off a pilot of Advantage, a new mentoring programme for young people aged 14-21 whose mental health and wellbeing has been affected by the pandemic.

The Advantage Programme focuses on improving education, employment options and physical activity; help to re-establish aspirations and a sense of connection. Young People receive ongoing individual mentoring support from a trained youth worker, supported by CAMHS practitioners.

Our pilot is with Palace for Life Foundation, having a unique place in the community, as the charitable foundation of an established Premier League club as a place where:

  • communities feel welcomed

  • are the trusted partner of social services, police and local councils to provide support and interventions

  • have the infrastructure, skills and experience to deliver safe and impactful programmes

  • have access to inspiring facilities

  • in the past 3 years, supported over 40,000 young people in schools and in the community